How to Make Your Oat Milk Less Watery?

Oat milk, the beloved dairy-free alternative, has earned its place in the hearts of many. Its natural sweetness, neutral flavor, and sustainability make it a versatile option for coffee, cereal, and smoothies. However, one common challenge that oat milk enthusiasts often encounter is its tendency to turn out too watery. But fear not, there are various ways to make your oat milk less watery and achieve that desired creamy consistency. In this blog, we'll explore some tips and tricks to help you master the art of oat milk preparation.

  • Choose the Right Oats

The choice of oats is paramount in determining the thickness of your oat milk. Steel-cut oats and old-fashioned rolled oats tend to yield creamier results compared to quick oats. Whole, less processed oats release more starch, resulting in a thicker milk. Opt for these oats if you're aiming for that creamy, luscious texture.

  • Get Adventurous with Oat Varieties

Don't hesitate to experiment with different types of oats, such as gluten-free oats. They can offer alternative textures and flavors to your oat milk. To add an extra dimension of taste and thickness, try toasting the oats before blending; it'll introduce a delightful nuttiness to your oat milk.

  • Add Natural Thickeners

To reduce the watery quality of your oat milk, try adding natural thickeners. Incorporate a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, or a touch of maple syrup to elevate both the flavor and consistency of your oat milk.

You can also enhance the creaminess by including shredded coconut or a few  cashew nuts in your blend. For those seeking a protein boost, consider adding pea protein. Experiment with these natural thickeners to achieve the desired texture and flavor in your oat milk.

  • Shake Well Before Use

Before pouring your homemade oat milk into your coffee, cereal, or smoothie, give it a good shake. Shaking your oat milk is a crucial step to ensure a consistent texture. Oat milk can sometimes settle, leading to variations in thickness. By shaking it well before each use, you'll help redistribute any settled particles and ensure that you enjoy a smooth, creamy experience every time. So, don't forget to give your oat milk a good shake for a perfect consistency!

  • Store Thoughtfully

Oat milk's consistency can change over time, so proper storage is key. Store your homemade oat milk in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Before each use, give it a good shake to ensure the oats are evenly distributed. If you notice that your oat milk has become too thin, don't worry—simply blend it again to restore that creamy texture.

Oat milk is indeed an excellent dairy-free alternative, but achieving the perfect consistency may require a bit of experimentation. At Milky Plant, we have simplified your journey to creating oat milk at home. We've considered the blending, the oat-to-water ratio, and straining, eliminating headaches for you. This convenient device allows you to create oat milk effortlessly with a simple press of a button, ensuring that you have complete control over the ingredients and quality of your plant milk. Don't be afraid to explore and enjoy the homemade oat milk!

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